Children's Library

Our first endeavor is the founding of the Biblioteca dei Bimbi, or the Children’s Library. The nearest library for children is over an hour away and the local schools barely have picture books available for children. We seek to create a space that respects the fantastical time of childhood, and through which children and families can discover the pleasure of reading aloud together and sharing stories. We have partnered with the national web Nati per Leggere (“Born to read”) to realize our communal goal: love of literature through the loving gesture of an adult reading a story aloud to a child.

We intend to organize storytimes, events with authors and illustrators, get-togethers and workshops in order to both support parents in the lifelong journey of becoming parents and to bring to life children’s imaginations, supporting their development holistically. To do so, we will also bring literature and storytelling outside of the library, in local squares and in nature, uniting generations to weave the story of Carpineto Sinello and its surroundings. 

The library is also part of the international network of Baby Pit Stops, an idea of La Leche League to create a safe and welcoming place where mothers can breastfeed and nurture their youngest. The joy of reading aloud begins with conception!

Here you can find information on lending: regolamento.


  • Monday 17:00 - 18:30
  • Wednesday 18:00 - 19:00
  • Friday 17:00 - 18:30
  • Saturday 10:00 - 12:00

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