giovedì 25 settembre 2014

We're Open!

On September 21st, 2014, we held our inauguration and had so much fun! We read together, chose books, shared conversations and explored the space. We joined together to begin this journey of growing readers! Thanks to everyone for participating and sharing our enthusiasm!

Reading Pete's a Pizza. We have a volunteer: Antonio!
Mara reading Si-salvi-chi-puo'

Giovanna reads Il Verme

Many children from Carpineto Sinello arrived alone! This freedom of movement is one of the many privileges of living in a small town. We'd be delighted to welcome your youngest children accompanied by mom, dad or grandparents to share the joy of reading aloud together!

The wise tree: here you'll find all of the activities!

Everyone choosing a book to borrow!
The month of October, you'll find on exhibit books dedicated to reading and discovering books, for children and their grown-ups! Come on in and read them together, and take home your favorites!

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